Saturday, July 10, 2010

Long's Drug Lunch Counter--Knoxville

Long's Fountain and Pharmacy
Here it is...the one and only!!   Long's Lunch Counter.    There isn't an empty seat in the house and it has been this was since 1956.   The only thing different is in 1956, they used real china and glassware.  Today...Styrofoam, disposable everything.  Oh still serves a great burger, fries and onion rings.     

Today....something different so I ordered the Salad Plate.   I was hoping to get the chicken salad...but not on Thursday.  I don't know why it is only available on Monday Wednesday and Friday.      My Salad Plate included their famous tuna, egg salad & cottage cheese w/ sliced peaches.   Fresh sliced tomatoes were also included for $4.85.   A great treat for the reasonable price. 

When you arrive, plan on waiting for a table...the place will be packed but the tables do turn quickly.  My wait was about five minutes but unfortunately, they don't have much standing room. 

There is nothing that brings back the memories of drug store lunch counters like Longs....and probably one of the few remaining lunch/fountain counters in this area! 

Long's Drug Store on Urbanspoon

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